Map Of Erebor Interior
- Loving maps as I do, I couldn't resist posting Thror's map here. As explained earlier, Gandalf, while on a reconnoitre in Dol Guldur, came across a dying dwarf in the dungeons. The dwarf placed a map and a key into Gandalf's safekeeping asking him to hand them to his son.
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Erebor Minecraft
I've made a foundation for Erebor based on The Hóbbit Trilogy.WIP Project:-Total Inside in the future-Dwarven technology(buggies, etc.).Sense free of charge to create entire interior (and probably upgrade outside)but give a credit to who produced a base:).Full Structural Condition Friendly.(but very tough to destroy:)(wow challenge recognized? Im waiting for screens:G)Update 21/02/15Improving Outside to appear more like from the film.Revise 20/02/15Slowly producing interior:)Pests:-Red Statues-can consider some time to insert map-sometimes interior may collapse but then simply reload and should become fineCredits:-For Philip Jackson't vision of Erebor-Fór You all whó support meAll Feedbacks and ratings are delightful!